

The Insteon app is completely redesigned from the ground up. Packed with updated features and a new look, the Insteon app will be your control and monitoring center for all your Insteon devices. Here is everything you will need to know to get up and running with Insteon.


  • Insteon Hub 2

  • Access Subscription

  • Apple mobile device running iOS version 11 or greater

  • Android device running OS version 6 or greater


General Overview

  1. Greeting. Changes throughout the day.

  2. Rooms. Swipe to navigate across rooms or tap room name to view room members.

  3. Tap circle icon to control device (On/Off).

  4. Device name and current state.

  5. Navigation for Devices, Senes, Schedules and Settings & Support.

  6. Tap to add a new device.

  7. Tap to resize device tiles.

  8. Tap anywhere in the tile to view more device control and access device settings.


Scenes Overview


Learn more about Scenes.

  1. Total number of scenes.

  2. Scene name and number of members.

  3. Tap to add a new scene.

  4. Tap to deactivate the scene (Group Off). Tap to deactivate the scene (Group Off).

  5. Tap anywhere else to go to scene editor.


Schedules Overview

  1. All of your schedules listed in one place. 

  2. Tap to add a new scene.

  3. Detail showing the On and/or Off times and days that the schedule is active as well as the name of the device or scene that is scheduled.


Settings & Help Overview

  1. Shows the email associated with your account.

  2. Location of home.

  3. Current Hub time.

  4. Turn On or Off Daylight Savings Time

  5. Define any + or - offsets for Sunrise or Sunset. Used when creating schedules.

  6. View all information about your Insteon Hub.

  7. Visit our store.

  8. Tap to Sign Out or Delete Account.

  9. Tap to add another home or to switch to another home.

  10. Tap to access support and feedback forms.

  11. View your home’s Insteon configuration and export data.

  12. Tap to re-sync location if incorrect or if current Hub time is incorrect.

  13. View and edit rooms.

  14. Grants Director access to send push notifications to mobile device.

  15. Check for updates to Hub firmware.

  16. Director version.

  17. Debug logs - customer support may request information here.